75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy

On 6 June 2019 at 6pm, the official international ceremony celebrating this major anniversary will take place on Juno Beach and will be attended by many Allied Heads of State. US President Donald Trump, British Prime Minister Theresa May and many other world leaders and dignitaries will all be in Normandy to mark the 75th anniversary. 


Mine field?

These are brown-yellow squares with a painted
marine mines .

mine field

When the mine field is activated – the fields can NOT be used to make Desant

How to activate the mine field ?

To activate a mine field you must put the ship minelayer on a brown-yellow square with a painted marine mines .

This ship is minelayer.

Тhis way you activate this area:

This ship is minelayer and activates these fields.

You can use your landing craft as minelayer.

Can not be done here mine field.